FULL – Free tour on February 16 (English-spoken)

16 feb 2025
Tijd: 10:30 - 12:00 Locatie: Dierentehuis Stevenshage

Always wanted to take a look behind the scenes of your local animal shelter? Book your spot in our free English-spoken tour at Dierentehuis Stevenshage. We are happy to show you all around: you’ll learn where the animals stay, see the pension facilities, our vet room, dog training area and we will take you on an exclusive walk through our fenced dog forest. Of course you will get to meet many of our cats, dogs, rabbits and tropical birds and you can ask us all your questions!

Please note that this tour is not a preparation for volunteer work. Our volunteers need to be able to communicate in Dutch, to ensure the safety of our animals and people in emergency situations.

See you at Dierentehuis Stevenshage!

Information and registration

The tour starts at 10.30 AM, takes about 1,5 hrs and is open only to non-Dutch speaking adults and children aged 8 years and over. Request your spot though the button below. Do you speak Dutch? Please check our agenda and book a spot in one of our monthly Dutch-spoken free tours.

This tour is fully booked. Please check the agenda for the next available date.

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